Kyden had a nice day. The boys love cereal so for there birthdays they each got a sugary cereal (since they don't get that very often). Here they are eating Trix (why don't they make Trix shaped like fruit anymore? That was my favorite part of eating that cereal). Jason ate a bowl of Trix and when he was done, he said "Well, that didn't really hit the spot. Feels like I just ate a bowl of sugar." Isn't it funny how our tastes change as we get older?
For who knows what reason, Kyden wanted up in our closet. He's never done this before but today he wanted to lay up there. Don't you love the smile!
So the next 3 pictures are of the exact same things but I want you to look at his face in each of them. He started this new thing today with smiling and making funny faces for pictures. He would do this occasionally, but not for pictures! Goofy boy, we love you!
Lips sticking out!
Here is his awesome birthday cake that I slaved over forever! Ok, not really! I really wasn't up to spending hours in the kitchen making a cake for 8 people (4 grandparents and us) because I knew that most of it would be thrown away. Plus, I figured he wouldn't remember or even care what his birthday cake looked like at age 2! I'm probably just a bad mom for thinking that, but he absolutely loved this "cake" so that made me happy that I didn't slave in the kitchen all day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYDEN! I can't believe he's 2 already? Love the pictures of his funny faces! :) too cute! what a fun day!
Love the silly faces! Your boys are super cute.
Oh my goodness, I just realized yet again it is way to LATE to call Kyden and wish him a Happy Birthday! We did remember, but it was way way to late to I want to sincerely apologize! We feel awful, these past few days have been kind crazy with Brielle not excuse, but I just wanted to apologize my mind has not been working right! No sleep can do that...But it looks like you guys had fun! He really is so adorable and Braden is so good with him! I can't believe he's 2! I can hardly wait to get Brielle together with the boys...they are going to have so much FUN! We love you!
Happy Birthday Kyden. I love this age! It is so fun to see what they love and don't love and to see their crazy personalities.
I also love this age. Kyden is so cute!
Happy late birthday to him.
WOW 2 years!! where does time go? What cute boys you have!! I hope I get to see you this summer when we come home! Also I'm so sorry I forget to e-mail yo back like in January!! I will get on the ball and find the info and send it! Have you done anything about it yet? talk to yo soon!
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