Jason and I spent a week in Arizona but didn't see much sun due to the fact that we were in class all day long! The classes were AWESOME though--just so I can remember all that I learned! We discovered this fabulous program about a year ago that teaches you how to invest in real estate, save money on taxes, run a business, etc.... Yah, lots of cool stuff! We have learned so much from it. This was Jason's 4th college, my 3rd. But this was the first time we were able to leave both boys home. The last 2 times, we brought Kyden so we had to swap classes and babysitting since children aren't allowed. So, we had class with each other 4 out of the 5 days. Great times! Yes, some of you may be thinking we're crazy starting into the real estate investing business now with the economy the way it is, but it's actually the perfect time to begin. So if anyone is interested, let us know! We are just so glad we discovered it!
Here we are goofing off with the camera at break! We really are cool!

Looks like he's studying hard huh--what Jason study?! Whatever! Probably why he's not doing his masters quite yet. Just kidding Jason!! I love you tons!

We stayed with my Grandpa and his wife while in Arizona. They only live about 10 minutes from the college so we were lucky! Didn't have to fork out any money for a hotel. Our classes got out 5pm every night so we were able to spend some time together. My Grandpa took us to a little pizza place called Organ Stop Pizza. Yah, pretty cool huh! Here's some pictures from it. The organ actually goes down into the ground when on break. The boys would have loved it!

After pizza, we went to the Mesa Temple Outside Easter Pageant. It was really neat. Glad that we were able to go to it. It is quite the program. The pictures I took are aweful so you will just have to imagine how wonderful it was!

It was nice to have a break from the boys, but we missed them and were so glad to come home to them. My Dad and Mom (mostly mom) had them all week. Thanks mom! You are amazing! We appreciate the sacrifice you made by watching the boys. I know it's no simple task!

Kyden actually fell head first into this basket and was stuck with his head in dirty clothes. It was pretty funny! Then he thought it was fun to play in the basket!