Friday, October 24, 2008

Time flies when your busy!!

How the time flies! It is almost November--Kyden is 6 months old already and is trying to crawl and Braden is talking a whole lot more! Sometimes I can't believe I have 2 little boys!! I guess not so little anymore! Well, our life has been pretty busy but not much to show for it. Me, Jason, and Kyden flew to Arizona the first of the month to go to a real estate investing school. It was so much fun! And no, we are not realtors, but investors. I loved the classes I got to take especially my legal strategies class! And you all probably think I'm crazy for loving that class (well, my dad thought I was) but I really did love it! Plus, Cassie, my friend, just moved to Arizona and we were only 20 minutes away from each other and we had a BLAST together! How often do moms get to just spend a day, not worrying about a thing?! Never! Well, I got to! We spent 3 hours at IKEA one day! My new favorite store--I would recommend it to anyone! It was just plain fun! The closest one to me is in Utah so...road trip anyone (when we get a house of course because I have no where to put anything right now). Oh ya, for anyone that doesn't know, we are doing the living with parents thing (Jason's parents) while we look for a house! I think everyone has to do that at least once! It really has been going great! Braden loves it!! Cassie and I also spent almost 3 hours in Burlington coat factory! We went crazy! We couldn't believe that we spent that long in one store, but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! I didn't want to go home except for the fact that Braden was at home and I really missed him! Isn't it funny how much work children are, but when you are away from them you miss them like crazy?! Mom thing I guess! So, I have just rambled on about nonsense so I'll stop there! Here are a few pictures of the boys!

Braden, you little sneaky thing! He found a chocolate bar, unwrapped the whole thing, and came into my room with the biggest mischeivious face on I've ever seen! It was so cute though! I couldn't help but laugh (let him eat some of it right before dinner)!
Kyden in his stroller at the airport. He really was a good boy the whole time. I have been blessed with 2 really wonderful boys! Yes, we have our days, but we love them!!
Kyden eating peas for the first time and he really didn't like them! I have to confess, I have been a slacker the 2nd time around with solid food! It just seems like more of a hassle, but we are finally getting that solid food in and Kyden loves it (usually)!
1Braden asleep with Madi's birthday party invite in his hand! He was so excited for the party and it was fun! Thanks for the great party guys!
Sleepy boys! They both made it to our bed early one morning and when I got out of bed, this is how they were! Cute huh! And I have to mention that Braden is sleeping so much better at night! I love it! Kyden on the other hand is still a handfull!


Cass said...

We did have great time! I'm wishing you would come back in the worst way!! That is the cutest smile Braden has with the candy bar.

Odelsa said...

All these pictures of your boys are so cute. Little boys are adorable and brothers are the best. Just wait till they start fighting.

rigbyspot said...

That sleeping picture is soooo cute!