Friday, October 24, 2008

Spud Harvest

Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes!!! Well, I really missed out this year! I wasn't able to drive truck for my dad this year--I didn't think it would be a good idea to leave 2 boys with my mom especially with one so little! But there is always next year! I love driving truck! It just gives me a thrill I don't get anywhere else! Must be in my blood! Well, the potatoes got all harvested in good time and Braden loved helping! He got to ride with Uncle Ray, who he LOVES, in the tractor a couple times! Oh, instead of driving truck for my dad, I've been doing a lot of book work for him at his office! I enjoy it! And Braden even comes and "helps"!!
Braden riding in the tractor with Ray while they load a truck!Lunch break! Cute kid!Farmer boys! Both in overalls--which Jason thought was dumb, but I thought was cute! I wanted to get a picture of them in the field but it was really windy that day so we got one in Grandma's car instead!!Braden didn't want to take a picture. Can you tell?


Cass said...

Good ole' spud harvest. The best for me (not the daughter of a farmer) was two weeks off of school.

Brandon and Emily said...

Hey guys!!
Your boys look so cute dressed up as farmers. Brandon wanted know why Jason didn't have his picture taken with his overalls on? Your boys are getting so big, and growing up so fast.

Brittany Mecham said...

Oh i miss spud harvest! It's good to hear everything went good, i'm sure there were still some set backs cause it seems like there always are! I cant believe how big kyden is, he's looking more like braden now. i cant wait to come home and will hopefully see you, i'll be there long enough we'd beter do something, hope to see becky and your mom too. the boys are so cute! talk to you later