Wow, two weeks old already! How the time flies! We are all doing great and adjusting alright! Our lives have kind of slowed down a bit for a day or two. It was one busy week the week Kyden was born. Not only did we deliver in the car, Jason had a final everyday (one he missed due to the baby), Uncle Jesse (Jason's brother) got his mission call to Korea the day we came home from the hospital, and Jason graduated from BYU-Idaho with his Bachelors degree (my sweetheart Dad stayed in the car with Kyden so I could go to graduation and didn't have to take him). Jason is pretty excited to be done, but really doesn't know what to do with all his spare time now. We like having him home! Braden is a very good big brother. He likes to hold Kyden and tries to lift him up! We love having two little boys and are so blessed that they are both doing well!
We finally welcomed our new baby boy into our family Tuesday, April 8th at 3:15 in the morning! And he came with a bang and one "funny" story to tell. The short story--he was born in our car outside of the hospital and Jason got to catch him. I guess we must have waited too long?!?? I really only had strong contractions for maybe 2 hours and then we headed to the hospital in time to pull up and deliver in the car! Cool huh! It is kind of unreal to me and I still can't believe that happened! Oh well! Everyone is doing great! We named him Kyden Kent. Braden loves his little brother. Once he met him though, he found the huge cupboard and played in it! He loved all the "stuff" at the hospital. (I started to do this blog at the hospital and then the computer went dead and I didn't have the power cord so I am finally getting around to it a week and a half later!!)
So...I guess I take a lot of pictures sideways! Man, I have problems! Well, I'll try and get the pictures fixed, but I ran out of time and just decided to post them anyway. We went to Leo's Place for pizza and fun on his birthday. Grandpa Searle spoiled him and let him ride on all the little toys and do the arcade games. Grandpa even took him in the kids place (where grandpa wasn't supposed to go) and climbed up the ropes with him since mom is too big to even walk!! We had cake and ice cream the next night with everyone. And yes, that is a SpongeBob cake! No, I don't like SpongeBob and the only time he watches it is with Uncle Eric since we don't have cable. Braden just gets a kick out of SpongeBob so that's why Grandma Searle whipped up an awesome SpongeBob cake! He had a lot of fun and was so excited to blow out his candles! He's been practicing for months! Well, hopefully the next time I blog it will be of our new little boy! Could be any day now! Wish us luck!!
So, I can't figure out how to rotate this picture so I'm just leaving it how it is. If anyone would like to fill me in on how to do it, let me know! We had a fun Easter. We colored eggs Friday night and Braden had fun smashing the eggs. Luckily we had a lot of boiled eggs--dispite the outrageous price. Jason had to work Saturday, which is when my family does the Easter Bunny stuff, so we hung out with my family. Braden loved looking for candy eggs at Grandpa and Grandma Searle's house. He loved all the candy! Wish is was Easter everyday! We even went to an Easter egg hunt at the park, but Braden didn't really like that. I think there were too many people there for him. Well, we hope everyone had a fun Easter!
Jason and I met while in High School but never went on a date--just dated each others friends--until Jason returned from a mission. Now, we wonder why we never dated because we are perfect for each other! We were married June 18, 2004. We have both graduated from BYU-Idaho with a bachelors degree. We have two wonderful little boys, Braden and Kyden, and are one happy little family!