That this...
has been housing my LOST wedding ring for over a month (December 12th-January 19th)!
It was actually in the fruit drawer in the middle of a plastic sack (yes I do clean my fridge out more often--I've just been gone a lot and fruit keeps for a while, right?)
So this is what I think happened--While I was trying to do everything at once--laundry, lunch, put grocery's away, keep busy kids happy..., my ring must have slipped off and into the fruit drawer. Who would have thought to look in the fridge--not me obviously!! So when I found this beauty, I was going through the fridge and came across a bag with a single pomegranate inside and was wondering if it was sporting any mold. I picked up the bag and was slowly looking for mold when I opened one side of the plastic and there it was! I was SPEECHLESS! The whole time it was lost, I just wanted it back so bad and I kept thinking that I had lost it at home and not at the store, but figured that was just wishful and hopeful thinking! Well, it wasn't, it was safe and sound in our fridge the whole time! After the shock wore off, I yelled to Braden and told him I found it! Yah!! He was excited! Now I'm scared to wear it, but I do and it makes me so happy! Plus, now the kids aren't orphans anymore--Jason told Braden when I lost it that we weren't a family anymore and he was an orphan because I didn't have a ring! What a joker! And Braden didn't believe him luckily! Whenever we went to a store, the boys were secretly looking for a new ring for me! Sweet of them but so glad I found MY ring! What a blessing!!!!!