Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Peterson and Searle Reunions

Two of our big family reunions this summer happened to fall on the exact same weekend, but isn't that how if always goes--you don't have a thing going on for weeks and then everything seems to happen at once! So, Uncle Jesse got home from his mission July 12th, we left July 14th for Boise for the big Peterson Reunion (which they only hold every other year). We stayed there until Friday the 16th when we headed home for the big Searle Reunion that started Friday and ended Saturday. Uncle Jesse spoke in church Sunday and then everything slowed down just a bit (not really--seriously who am I kidding--life never slows down)!

The boys loved sleeping in the tent. They slept all night and ended up pretty much on top of each other! They played hard!
We got to go to white water rafting while we were in Boise at the reunion. It was a ton of fun! Braden even loved every minute of it. The only bummer about it was we took Kyden because we had called and they said he could go. Well, we got there and they said the water was running a little high today so he couldn't go. Yah, and the mean parents we are we left him in the day care there at the raft place. It broke my heart. I've never left him anywhere that he doesn't know a single person so it was tough. But I'm glad now that he stayed because it was a little rougher than I thought it would be and he probably wouldn't have liked it that much.
We got soaked--obviously! The instructors even left us get out and swim in the calm parts. We had a blast!

We also went to a Wizard of Oz play. I didn't really think about it until we got to the mountains where the play was that I don't even like the Wizard of Oz. I never have. Growing up watching it, it gave me the creeps and I just don't like it. Anyway, it was interesting to say the least. And Braden HATED it!! He even got so scared he started crying and we had to take him out--before intermission. It was a lower scale play so they did the best with the props they had. But it lasted over 3 HOURS LONG!! Wowsers!! Jason and Braden spent there time watching from the outside gate. About 20 minutes into the show Braden turned to me and said "Wow, this is weird and boring!" He's got his own personality alright. The funniest part was the munchins. All the people were on rolling stools and had big dresses on. Yah, I can't describe it very good and we weren't allowed to take pictures, but it was funny!

Now for the Searle family reunion. It was just low key this year which I actually loved. They went to a temple session Friday night (which we missed since we were driving home). The kids who could did baptisms early Saturday morning. Breakfast was at 9 at my aunts and uncles house and it was fabulous. We had a program and visiting and lunch! It was fun!

The kids in the jumperoo thing.

Grandpa and Grandma singing there little song.

1 comment:

Taunya Spaulding said...

looks like you had a busy but fun weekend!! :) i love family reunions! glad you got to go to both...