We love our little Hazel bug! She is so funny and learning something new everyday! She is growing up way too fast! Some things that Hayley loves is...
Sticking her tongue out--It's ALWAYS out! Cute little tongue.
Getting into everything--like pots and pans, crayons and glue left out by her brothers and anything else she can get her hands on! It's a little harder with older kids who have small objects that seem to find there way in her mouth!
Trying to climb stairs. She's already fallen down them twice so she doesn't go near them when she at the top but she's trying to figure out how to go up them. I've caught her up the first flight of stairs (3 stairs) a couple times! Little trouble maker!
Another picture of Hayley getting into things left out by the brothers--first marshmallows and then a cotton ball that got stuck to her sticky hands! She was funny trying to get it off!
The bathroom in general! Loves it! What is it about babies and bathrooms--they're nasty but they love them! Toilet paper--but at least she hasn't figured out how fun it is to unroll the whole thing.
Playing in the toilet! She loves taking a bath and splashing in the water so the toilet is just like a mini bathtub to her! Nasty!
The tv and everything around it!
She dislikes baby food! She's never really liked it! But she does love to beg food off us! Don't ask me how she knows but she especially begs food off of us when it's cookies or ice cream or chocolate! Little beggar! We love her! She is so happy, yet a bit feisty too. She has quite the personality! It's fun seeing it come out more everyday! I love seeing all that she is discovering. They learn so much in that first year. A lot of work but she is so fun! And her brothers just adore her!