This is how we found the boys room the other night:

Yep, they pulled every single piece of clothing out of there dresser. Braden felt pretty bad because all he was trying to do was "Find that one shirt". Well, he didn't find it until I found it for him. We had a quick discussion on asking mom to help when you can't find something. It was funny until I had to fold all the clothes back up to put them in the dresser.
We are so proud of Dad! He is the best! We are just so glad to have him home spending time with us!

Man, this little boy is such a character. He makes me laugh everyday. He gets into everything, finds things he's not supposed to have, and has a little temper. But he sure is a cutie!

He figured out that he could roll the computer chair wherever he wants to get things he wants, but is not supposed to get. This time it was his binkie or "me me" as he calls it. He only gets it at nap and bedtime but wants it more often than that. It is going to be a monster of a time weening him from his binkie. I'm not looking forward to it!

Loves, loves, loves his pillow. I think he would rather have a pillow than a blanket. When I get him out of bed in the morning, he has to empty his crib in my arms which includes 2 blankets, a pillow, Pooh bear, and whatever else may have been left in there the night before and I have to carry it all plus him to the couch. He is so funny!

And this little guy LOVES puzzles. He is already smarter than me. He put this United States puzzle together all by himself. What a brain!! And he was proud of it--which he should be!

Ky with Braden's underwear on his head. He cracks me up all the time with things he comes up with.